Represents a payment to an employee from a company.
Payroll items are created during payroll creation, and may include multiple earnings, reimbursements, and other line items for a single payroll period.
Note only one payroll item is allowed per employee per payroll.
"id": "itm_yvmmsVGFxLoBaMIkqzea",
"payroll": "pay_Z26PNMC7Ky1wfFQzVqfF",
"employee": "emp_zGGp6wYcxAeu1Ng8IA7v",
"status": "draft",
"payment_method": "direct_deposit",
"supplemental_tax_calc_method": "flat",
"net_pay": null,
"earnings": [
"amount": "1384.61",
"hours": 40.0,
"type": "salaried",
"workplace": "wrk_qbCnBhUIDzduGrwLJ83p",
"earning_code": null,
"description": null,
"metadata": {}
"reimbursements": [
"amount": "123.43",
"code": null,
"description": null
"pto_balance_hours": null,
"sick_balance_hours": null,
"state_covid_sick_balance_hours": null,
"taxes": null,
"benefits": null,
"benefit_overrides": null,
"post_tax_deductions": null,
"post_tax_deduction_overrides": null,
"warnings": null,
"paper_check_number": null,
"metadata": {}
Attribute | Description |
id string | Unique identifier for the payroll item. |
payroll string | The payroll ID associated with the payroll item. |
employee string | The employee ID associated with the payroll item. |
status string | Status of the payroll item. One of draft , pending , processing , failed , partially_paid , or paid . |
void_of string | The ID of the payroll item this payroll item is voiding. Only applicable to voided items |
voided_by string | The ID of the payroll item this payroll item was voided by. Only applicable to voided items |
payment_method string | May be manual or direct_deposit if the employee has a linked bank account |
supplemental_tax_calc_method string | Controls the method used by Check to calculate tax on supplemental earnings. May be flat or aggregate |
pto_balance_hours float | The employee's remaining PTO hour balance, for display on the paystub/ Can be updated even after the associated payroll has been approved. |
sick_balance_hours float | The employee's remaining sick hour balance, for display on the paystub. Can be updated even after the associated payroll has been approved. |
state_covid_sick_balance_hours float | The employee's remaining sick hour balance from state COVID relief bills, for display on the paystub. This field is currently only applicable to California employers as per SB-95. When the requirement expires, this field will be removed in a future API version |
net_pay string | Read only. The total amount of net pay earned by the employee for this payroll item. The formula for net pay is gross pay - employee taxes - employee benefit contributions - imputed income - post-tax deductions + reimbursements |
net_pay_split string | The net pay split ID associated with this payroll item. |
earnings array of objects | The set of earnings objects associated with the payroll item. |
reimbursements array of objects | The set of non-taxable reimbursements objects associated with the payroll item. |
taxes array of objects | Read only. An array of taxes objects associated with the payroll item |
benefits array of objects | Read only. An array of benefits objects associated with the payroll item |
benefit_overrides array of object | The set of benefit override objects associated with this payroll item. |
post_tax_deductions array of objects | Read only. An array of post_tax_deductions objects associated with the payroll item |
post_tax_deduction_overrides array of objects | The set of post-tax deduction override objects associated with this payroll item. |
warnings array of objects | Read only. An array of warnings objects associated with the payroll item |
paper_check_number string | For accounting. The check number associated with any printed checks. Can be updated even after the associated payroll has been approved. See Get a paper check for more details. |
metadata object | Additional loosely structured information to associate with the payroll item. |