Below is a list of error codes that Check may return in the type
field, along with information on how to resolve them.
Error code | Description |
address_invalid | Invalid address. There are many potential messages you may receive for an invalid address error. |
api_error | An internal error occurred. We have been notified and are looking into the issue. |
contractor_payment_already_exists | Only one contractor payment can be created per contractor per payroll. |
contractor_payment_limit_exceeded | Contractor payments are limited to 500 per payroll. |
employee_benefit_effective_date_overlap | The maximum number of overlapping benefits for this benefit type has been exceeded. Update the benefits’ effective dates to have fewer overlapping benefits. |
net_pay_negative | Net pay was calculated to be negative. Contact us if you encounter this. |
non_empty_payroll_required | Payrolls must have at least one item or contractor payment to be previewed or approved. |
non_managed_payroll_update_invalid | Non-managed payrolls cannot be updated as they were not managed and paid via Check. Contact us if you need to update a non-managed item. |
non_managed_payroll_void_invalid | Non-managed payrolls cannot be voided as they were not managed and paid via Check. Contact us if you need to void a non-managed item. |
not_authenticated | Authentication credentials were not provided. |
not_found | The resource you're looking for was not found, or you do not have permission to access it. |
off_cycle_options_invalid | Only payrolls of type 'off_cycle' can have 'off_cycle_options'. |
payroll_approval_deadline_expired | Payroll is past approval deadline without approval, and further changes are not allowed. If you want to pay employees by payday, they must all be paid with the "manual" payment method. |
payroll_already_approved | Payroll is already approved, and further changes are not allowed. If changes need to be made before the approval deadline, you can reopen the payroll. |
payroll_date_invalid | Invalid payroll period or payday. |
payroll_item_already_exists | Only one payroll item can be created per employee per payroll. |
payroll_item_limit_exceeded | Payroll items are limited to 500 per payroll. |
payroll_reopening_invalid | Only payrolls in the 'pending' status can be reopened. |
payroll_reopening_invalid | Payroll cannot be reopened after reopen deadline has passed |
permission_denied | You do not have permission to perform this action. |
post_tax_deduction_invalid | The post tax deduction to be created or updated is invalid. Refer to the post-tax deduction object specification to determine the correct configuration. |
routing_number_invalid | Invalid ABA routing number. Update it to be a valid ABA routing number and try again. |
start_date_invalid | Invalid payday start date for paydays list endpoint. |
state_not_supported | You have tried to create a company, employee, or workplace in a state that is not currently supported by Check. Contact Check if a state you require is not yet supported via the API. |
throttled | You made too many requests to the API. See the accompanying message for when to attempt requests again. |
unapproved_payroll_void_invalid | Payroll items of unapproved payrolls cannot be voided. Instead, update the previous payroll. |
validation_error | The request body contained invalid data. Look at the message and optional input_errors for more information to resolve. |
voided_payroll_reopening_invalid | Cannot reopen a payroll with voided item or voided contractor payment. Contact us if you need to reopen a voided item. |
void_already_exists | A payroll item can only be voided once. |
void_invalid | A void payroll item cannot be voided. |
company_tax_setup_required | Company tax setup must be complete. |
payday_invalid | The payday is not valid for the given pay period and frequency. |
company_blocking | The company's Onboard status is in blocking state and certain actions like running payroll cannot be performed. |
company_not_implemented | The company's implementation is not complete and certain actions like running payroll cannot be performed. |
federal_tax_liability_exceeds_100k | The company's attempt at payroll approval failed due to their total federal tax liability exceeding $100,000 for their deposit period. To resolve this, the payroll must be funded by wire. |
disallowed_environment | The requested functionality is not supported in the current sandbox or live environment. |