Generate paper checks for the specified payroll.
This API returns a generated URL that can be polled for the paper checks. Rendering the paper checks can take a few moments. These generated URLs are only valid for a short period. While polling on the generated URL, please continue polling as you get a 404 Not Found HTTP status response. However, if you get a 403 Forbidden HTTP status response, this means that your temporary generated URL has expired. You can request a new URL by hitting this API again.
Paper checks are printed on the top one-third of the page with the bottom two-thirds reserved for the paystub.
Check supports the DLT159 check format. This format is the check-on-top custom check stock format and can be ordered online from Deluxe here. You may see ‘DLT 159’ listed in other websites as “Laser Top Check, Multi-Purpose 7.5 Voucher” checkstock, but be sure to match the design directly as it will impact the print alignment. Paper checks have residence address of the payee printed on them and are designed to fit in #9 Double Windowed Envelopes, which can be ordered here.
Once you print the checks out, you can then associate the payroll items with their printed checks using the paper check numbers and updating the payroll items via the API.
All employee checks are printed out first, ordered by last name and then first name. Then all contractor checks are printed out, ordered by business name, last name, and then first name.

example paper check