The warnings object

The payroll warnings field is populated when approving or previewing a payroll. The array of warnings is used to communicate potential downstream issues with the payroll after preview or approval.

The Payroll Warning Object

codeAction taken on the payroll. Value is one of tax_payments_held or missing_employee_setup_information.
reasonCode indicating why the action as taken. Value is one of funding_not_cleared or employee_primary_workplace_not_set.
reason_descriptionHuman readable explanation of why the action was taken.

The warning with a code of tax_payments_held, with reason funding_not_cleared will appear after approving an all-manual 4-day payroll to indicate tax payments will not be made until after the return window for the payroll's debit has passed (3 business days after the approval deadline). Late tax payments may incur penalties and interest, but this risk can be avoided by funding all-manual payrolls by wire.

The warning with a code of missing_employee_setup_information, with reason employee_primary_workplace_not_set will appear when any employees on the payroll do not have their primary workplace set. Payroll preview is not blocked by an employee's primary workplace not being set, however payroll approval is blocked.