JUMP TOCheck APIIntroductionTopicsAuthenticationErrorsError codesRate limitingIdempotent RequestsVersioningCheck ComponentsOverview of ComponentsSetup ComponentsCompany Previous Payroll Provider AccesspostCompany Progress Tracker ComponentpostCompany Verification DocumentspostCompany Signatory AgreementspostCompany Connect Bank AccountpostCompany Team SetuppostCompany Pay HistorypostCompany Full Service Setup Submission ComponentpostCompany Business Details ComponentpostCompany ComponentsCompany OnboardpostCompany Terms of ServicepostCompany DetailspostCompany Payment SetuppostCompany Tax SetuppostCompany-Defined Employee SetuppostCompany Filing AuthorizationpostCompany Accounting IntegrationpostCompany Authorization DocumentspostCompany Tax DocumentspostCompany ReportspostRun PayrollpostCompany Checklist ComponentpostFiling Preview ComponentpostEmployee ComponentsEmployee OnboardpostEmployee SSN SetuppostEmployee Payment SetuppostEmployee Withholdings SetuppostEmployee ProfilepostEmployee BenefitspostEmployee Post-Tax DeductionspostEmployee Tax DocumentspostEmployee PaystubspostContractor ComponentsContractor OnboardpostContractor Tax DocumentspostAPI ReferenceCompaniesThe company objectCreate a companypostGet a companygetUpdate a companypatchList companiesgetGet payroll journalgetGet payroll summarygetGet tax liability reportgetGet company paydaysgetGet contractor payments reportgetGet W-2 Preview ReportgetGet W-4 Exempt Status ReportgetThe Federal EIN Verification objectList Federal EIN VerificationsgetGet a Federal EIN VerificationgetList tax depositsgetThe Signatory objectGet signatoriesgetCreate a signatorypostThe Enrollment Profile objectGet the enrollment profilegetCreate the enrollment profileputUpdate the enrollment profilepatchGet a company's applied-for tax parameters reportgetImplementationStart implementationpostCancel implementationpostRequest Embedded SetuppostAddressesValidate addresspostWorkplacesThe workplace objectCreate a workplacepostGet a workplacegetUpdate a workplacepatchList workplacesgetEmployeesThe employee objectCreate an employeepostGet an employeegetUpdate an employeepatchList employeesgetList employee paystubsgetGet a paystubgetList employee formsgetGet an employee formgetSubmit an employee formpostGet company-defined attributesgetUpdate company-defined attributespatchGet reciprocity electionsgetUpdate reciprocity electionspatchReveal employee SSNgetContractorsThe contractor objectCreate a contractorpostGet a contractorgetUpdate a contractorpatchList contractorsgetList contractor paymentsgetGet a contractor paymentgetList contractor formsgetSubmit a contractor formpostReveal contractor SSNgetBank AccountsThe bank account objectCreate a bank accountpostUpdate a bank accountpatchGet a bank accountgetList bank accountsgetDelete a bank accountdeleteReveal account numbergetNet Pay SplitsThe net pay split objectCreate a net pay splitpostGet a net pay splitgetList net pay splitsgetPayrollsThe payroll objectThe preview objectThe totals objectThe off-cycle options objectThe warnings objectCreate a payrollpostPreview a payrollgetReopen a pending payrollpostApprove a payrollpostGet a payrollgetUpdate a payrollpatchList payrollsgetDelete a payrolldeleteGet paper checksgetGet Cash Requirement ReportgetGet Paper Checks ReportgetPayroll ItemsThe payroll item objectTypes of earningsCreate a payroll itempostGet a payroll itemgetUpdate a payroll itempatchList payroll itemsgetDelete a payroll itemdeleteGet a paper checkgetWarningsContractor PaymentsThe contractor payment objectCreate a contractor paymentpostGet a contractor pay statementgetUpdate a contractor paymentpatchList contractor paymentsgetDelete a contractor paymentdeleteGet a paper checkgetExternal PayrollsThe external payroll objectThe external payroll item objectThe external payroll contractor paymentCreate an external payrollpostUpdate an external payrollpatchDelete an external payrolldeleteApprove an external payrollpostReopen an external payrollpostPay SchedulesThe pay schedule objectCreate a pay schedulepostGet a pay schedulegetList pay schedulesgetUpdate a pay schedulepatchGet paydaysgetBenefitsThe benefit objectTypes of benefitsCreate a benefitpostGet a benefitgetList benefitsgetUpdate a benefitpatchDelete a benefitdeletePost-Tax DeductionsThe post-tax deduction objectCreate a post-tax deductionpostGet a post-tax deductiongetUpdate a post-tax deductionpatchList post-tax deductionsgetDelete a post-tax deductiondeleteCompany BenefitsThe company benefit objectCreate a company benefitpostGet a company benefitgetList company benefitsgetUpdate a company benefitpatchDelete a company benefitdeleteEarning RatesThe earning rate objectCreate an earning ratepostGet an earning rategetList earning ratesgetUpdate an earning ratepatchEarning CodesThe earning code objectCreate an earning codepostGet an earning codegetList earning codesgetUpdate an earning codepatchDocumentsThe document objectList company tax documentsgetGet a company tax documentgetDownload a company tax documentgetList company authorization documentsgetGet a company authorization documentgetDownload a company authorization documentgetList employee tax documentsgetGet an employee tax documentgetDownload an employee tax documentgetList contractor tax documentsgetGet a contractor tax documentgetDownload a contractor tax documentgetList setup documentsgetGet a Setup DocumentgetDownload a setup documentgetCompany Provided DocumentsThe company provided document objectCreate a company provided documentpostGet a company provided documentgetList company provided documentsgetUpload a file for a company provided document.putFormsThe form objectGet a formgetList formsgetRender a formpostPaymentsThe payments and payment attempts objectsList paymentsgetGet a paymentgetGet a payment attemptgetRetry a paymentpostRefund a paymentpostCancel a paymentpostTax ParametersThe tax parameter objectTypes of tax parametersTax parameter optionTax parameter dependencyTax parameter settingTax parameter jurisdictionTax parameter definitionCompany Tax ParametersList a company's tax parametersgetUpdate a company's tax parameterspatchList a company's tax parameter settingsgetGet a specific company's tax parameter settinggetList a company's jurisdictionsgetEmployee Tax ParametersList an employee's tax parametersgetUpdate an employee's tax parameterpatchList an employee's tax parameter settingsgetGet a specific employee's tax parameter settinggetList an employee's jurisdictionsgetBulk get employee tax parametersgetBulk get employee tax parameter settingsgetBulk update employee tax parameterspatchTax ElectionsThe tax election objectCompany Tax ElectionsList company tax electionsgetCreate company tax electionspostUpdate company tax electionspatchEmployee Tax ElectionsList employee tax electionsgetUpdate employee tax electionspatchTax FilingsThe tax filing objectThe tax filing event objectTax filing statusList tax filingsgetGet a tax filinggetGet a tax filing eventgetSetupThe setup objectGet a setupgetList setupsgetRequirementsThe requirement objectRequirement categoriesRequirement statusesRequirement errorsRequirement guidanceList requirementsgetGet a requirementgetWebhooksThe webhook config objectCreate a webhook configpostGet a webhook configgetUpdate a webhook configpatchDelete a webhook configdeleteList webhook configsgetPing a webhook configpostRetry webhook event in sandboxpostUsageList usage summariesgetList usage recordsgetList pay schedulesget https://sandbox.checkhq.com/pay_schedulesReturns a list of pay schedules.