Get a paper check

Returns a paper check for the specified payroll item.

Use an Accept: application/pdf request header to download the paper check as a PDF document.

Paper checks are printed on the top one-third of the page with the bottom two-thirds reserved for the paystub.

Check supports the DLT159 check format. This format is the check-on-top custom check stock format and can be ordered online from Deluxe here. You may see ‘DLT 159’ listed in other websites as “Laser Top Check, Multi-Purpose 7.5 Voucher” checkstock, but be sure to match the design directly as it will impact the print alignment. Paper checks have residence address of the payee printed on them and are designed to fit in #9 Double Windowed Envelopes, which can be ordered here.

Note that you can also associate the payroll item for your printed checks with their paper check number using the update a payroll item API.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!